Teach Yourself Jazz - online guidebook

For the beginning player, with sheet music samples

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emotional expression of human feeling, and may require from your tone, at various times, an emo­tional vibrato, a harsh and brutal tone, or a growl. Mezz Mezzrow, in his book Really the Blues, has described a date in which trumpeter Sidney de Paris, whose style had become influenced by playing with commercialised swing bands, was blowing some notes that did not meet the favour of the other players: "Then Sidney wound up the first ending of the tenth chorus with a real modern swing riff that's a terrible cliche. That made Tommy (Ladnier) say 'merde' real loud on his horn, and it scared everybody in the band so bad that we didn't have our bearings to start the eleventh chorus".* So you see, you might even want to make your instrument say 'merde'— and that you would be unlikely to learn from a 'straight' teacher.
If you live in London, you can profitably study at the Central School of Dance Music at 15 West Street, Cambridge Circus, London, W.C.2. Telephone TEMple Bar 3373/4. Headed by well-known jazz guitarist Ivor Mairants, that School has a staff of eminent recording and broadcasting instrumentalists who teach trumpet, trombone, alto sax, tenor sax, clarinet, piano, bass, drums, guitar, accordion, singing and band playing. The fees are extremely reasonably—if you take a course, they work out at
* This scene can be heard on the first track of side 1 of HMV, DLP 1110. "Comin* on with the come on"—Mezz Mezzrow with Tommy Ladnier.